
NPM Geomatics offers a rigorous and structured training program for students wishing to complete their In-Service-Training for their diploma or Articles prior to registration as a professional land surveyor.
NPM Geomatics takes pride in the training it provides students, and therefore follows a rigorous selection process. Students are required to sign a contract for the full period of their training period – 12 months for In-Service-Training and 24 months for Articles.
Students who train at NPM Geomatics gain extensive and varied survey experience, including the processing of their survey data and producing final deliverables. This is advantageous in the market place after completion of practical training. Articled graduates work closely with a team of 4 professional land surveyors and gain exposure to the professional aspects of a wide range of cadastral and engineering projects.
As a result of the success of our training program, there is a very high demand for placement in the company. The standard of your submission and how you present yourself is therefore vitally important. We suggest that before submitting an application that you research how to prepare and submit an application and prepare for an interview.
If you are a hard-working and capable student who is willing to learn whilst making a positive contribution to the company, NPM Geomatics might be able to assist you with in-service-training / articles, subject to strict selection and space criteria.

There is a 2 phase application process
Profile of In-Service Training Students at NPM Geomatics. Only apply if you fit these criteria:
- Well presented, neat and organised.
- Ability to communicate well in English – you must be able to both listen and understand what
is being said, and be articulate when speaking and writing so that you are understood. - Steady academic progress and achievement.
- Strong work ethic combined with a willingness to be learn and be taught.
- A working knowledge and understanding of Windows and the Windows file management
system. - Basic working knowledge of mobile connectivity – bluetooth, wireless, mobile.
- Willingness to relocate to East London and to travel extensively throughout the Eastern
Cape and South Africa. Please note that NPM does not provide accommodation nor transport for students. - A valid and clean driver’s license, plus the ability to drive a 1 ton bakkie, is essential. Please note: A condition of being accepted into the program is satisfactorily demonstrating your ability to drive a double cab/ bakkie.
- An ability and willingness to work long hours, and do extensive travelling in the course of your work.
- The ability to speak isiXhosa is an advantage, although not essential.
If you believe you fit the above profile, please email the documents listed below
Phase 1 of your application:
- Completed application form – handwritten; This document can be downloaded here.
- CV of not more that 2 pages, with contactable references, in pdf format.
- Copy of your ID in pdf or jpg format.
- Current colour photograph in pdf or jpg format.
- Copy of both sides of your code 08 or code 10 drivers license in pdf or jpg format;
- Confirmation that your qualification / current study course is recognised by the SAGI for
registration as a survey technician or professional land surveyor; - Copy of your latest examination results in pdf or jpg format;
- A clear and concise motivation for why your application to do in-service-training / articles at our
company should be considered – not more than 1 page, in pdf format
Phase 2 of your application:
If you are selected for the an interview, you will be required to travel to East London, at your own
expense, for a formal interview and practical driving test. Shortlisting will be held in November, and
interviews will be held towards the end of the year, after exams have been completed.
NB: Your ability to drive confidently and competently will be a deciding factor for acceptance
onto the NPM Geomatics training program. Although this is not the only deciding factor.
If accepted, a limited period offer of formal training will be presented to you for consideration and
acceptance. Acceptance onto the NPM Geomatics training program does not imply or guarantee a
permanent position with the company once your training has been completed.